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What are you using my data for?

The simple answer is that we use the personal, individual-and-identifiable-to-you data you give us permission to collect (or which you explicitly give to us) to provide our service to you. So if we sense your dog's location, we might use that to show you where they are on a map). If we ask for your dog's weight, we might use that to help you manage their feeding. Or if you tell us their insurer, we might use that to recommend a better deal. We don't use your data for secret or nefarious reasons that might be detrimental to you, or for purposes that aren't obvious or which we've not told you about.

We do sometimes "anonymise" data, and use it for statistical purposes. That means we remove everything that would make it identifiable as relating to you or your pet, and then include it with other anonymised data for research purposes. We do that so that we can improve our products and services by understanding in general terms more about pets and their owners. For reasons of practicality, we don't currently have a way for you to opt out of this statistical processing.