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Why does your Privacy Policy include so many types of data?

Great question! Our Privacy Policy can look very scary indeed if you read it and assume it's telling you that we immediately collect and hold all the many types of data it mentions. But that's not the case at all. Instead, the Privacy Policy simply lists all the POTENTIAL kinds of data we might in some circumstances collect during what we hope will be a long and productive relationship with you.

So, just as an example, where it says "information about your relationships with others", that does NOT mean that we're scouring your Facebook profile looking for all your friends and family! As one possible example, it simply means things like if you order from us, and then someone from the same address orders from us, we'll know you both live at the same address. That's your "relationship" with them in that case – that you live at the same address. Or say you tell our app to share your dog with someone else. That means your "relationship" with them is "co-owners of a particular dog".

As another example, "information about your preferences, opinions, etc" doesn't mean we're secretly harvesting all that knowledge from somewhere behind your back. Instead, it covers things like us sending you a questionnaire at some future time (which we might do, because we like to listen to our customers!), which, if you CHOOSE to answer it, would then mean we have the information you've given us about your preferences, and so on. Or it might even be as simple as the record of orders you've placed with us in the past.

In this way, most of the data listed in our Privacy Policy falls into that same category of "things that might get to know in certain circumstances", NOT "things we're immediately going to grab if you click yes".